Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hanging 'round

Things I've learned while in Texas - no particular order: 

1.  Ann Arbor is a very book friendly town and where Borders started! Discovered this after remarking to Emily my amazement/frustration that there is only one bookstore within reasonable biking distance; the fact that multiple Book People employees know me by sight means I probably spend too much time there...

2. Austin hills will get you. If you walk 2.5 miles and then bike 9.5 miles then by the time you arrive at the Green Belt you will be too tired to join the Austin Hiking Group - the whole reason you went out there in the first place... Note to self: next time find a ride there.

3. When you get a new pair of cowboy boots even if they're not 'real' cowboy boots according to hardcore boot wearing Texans, you still need to break them in. It's not a wise idea to walk a mile to the grocery store without socks on, the blisters you acquire on the way there will only continue to grow on the walk home.

4. Bottomless coffee = danger Will Robinson (on the third cup right now :)

5. Austin likes their coffeeshop/bars where you can choose between a coffee or a beer - great town!

6. Always look up directions before going on a run in a new city when you're not in good shape. Ran 3.7 miles yesterday when I decided to follow Lamar road, thought it was a the familiar road. Funny, I don't remember it being so long or curvy when I rode my bike down it two days ago.

7. Fashion notes:
a.) Apparently a lot of my clothing that I considered to be blue gray is actually just straight up gray - thank you Emily.
b.) Black and brown can be worn together... 

8. Carmel is essentially brown sugar and butter, but it's oh so delicious. Heather, my sister, gave me a carmel corn recipe.

Favorite Places in Austin. 

Capital Lawn: Within the city my favorite spot whether it's reading a book on the green grass under a tree or eating pb and j tortillas  on a park bench

Barton Creek Greenbelt: Southwest of the city it's a 7.9 mile long trail along the Barton Creek. Went there on Sunday, hiked less than a mile in and then found a lovely spot on a rock in the sun right next to the water. Here are some pictures from it.

View from my reading spot by the creek :)

Soaking in the sun rays reading some Matilda for book club

The rocky ascent back to the bike

View of the Colorado River on my way back to the city

Random long table with four lamp posts along the bike path - Keiffer this reminded me of an artisty thing you would enjoy.

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